
The Drive for Open Source Governance

Developing quality open source software that is easy to contribute to.

OW2con'15 Photos OW2con'15 Video and Slides

OW2con'15 is the seventh edition of the annual community event that brings together technology experts, software architects, IT developers, project managers and decision-makers from all around the world.

The main theme for this year's conference is "The Drive for Open Source Governance".

Many developers, research and innovation projects and software vendors adopt an open source approach with the implicit understanding that making code freely available will naturally attract potential contributors and customers.While a possibility on paper, this is not how open source communities and projects grow or become successful. It is the implementation of a flawless governance that makes the difference between success and failure for an open source project.The Drive For Open Source Governance, this year's conference theme, is a testimonial to our long-term efforts to bring value to our members and projects through good governance and best practices that help produce quality software that is easy to contribute to and use..

OW2con'15 is held at two different venues:

  • Day 1, Tuesday November 17 takes place at Orange Labs, Les Jardins de l'Innovation, Paris Issy-les-Moulineaux, and focusing on Introduction, keynotes and panel discussions.
  • Day 2, Wednesday November 18: The conference will be hosted at Paris Open Source Summit, Les Docks de Paris, La Plaine St-Denis and showcasing the OW2 code base with presentations of the community's flagship projects.
In addition, OW2 organizes the international sessions of Paris Open Source Summit (Nov. 18 & 19): Community Summit, Local Government and Open Source, European Collaborative Innovation, and Invited Country (more).

A wide range of hot topics will be covered throughout the two days, including software quality, generic business applications, business Intelligence, big data, privacy and security, IoT and mobility, and open source cloud computing. The OW2 Projects Awards contest will be renewed and will recognize "best of breed" projects and successful implementations of OW2 technologies. Join us on November 17 /18 in Paris and meet the community. And don't forget to tweet about your participation!

2015 Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


  • logo_rgb.jpg

Bronze Sponsors


  • ActiveEon-150x41.png

  • Engineering-SpagoBI.jpg

  • Logo_Ikoula_Hebergeur_Cloud_poisson_bleu_EN.png

  • OpenIO-Logo-Red.jpg

  • LogoEnalean_250.png

Collaborative Projects


  • AppHub_logo_RGB_156x46.png

  • CHOReVOLUTION_logo_RGB_256x51.png

  • OCCIware_logo_color_256x96.png

  • OpenCloudware.png

  • Riscoss.jpg

Gold Media Partners


  • logo_BFMbusiness.png

Media Partners


  • LOGO-GSMag.jpg

  • Logo-GNU-Linux-Magazine-FR.png

  • logo-LeMagIT-150x44.png

  • Cloudmag150x69.png

  • Prog_logo.png

  • LogoSolutionsIT_14AvecTet.jpg

  • LogoTooLinuxCMYK219x57.jpg