Welcome to OW2con Call for Presentations

In order to prepare your submission, we recommend you to have a quick look at the track descriptions below and choose the most appropriated with your topic. This year we are giving the highlight on the theme of open source funding: what are the current solutions for innovators, start-ups or ISVs to finance their development? private or public financing? Are national and European public policies up to the challenges? Please submit in this theme or in one of the tracks. We will consider all open source related proposals.

Practical details:
- Presentation duration : 20 minutes (15 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q&A)
- Language: all proposals have to be submitted in english
- Information requested: title, abstract, speaker bio, photo

Deadline: February 25. The CFP is now closed. If you missed the deadline we invite you to attend (this is free) and leverage the OW2con networking times to talk about your project. 

Track descriptions

Cloud, Edge, IoT, Cyber security, AI, the latest trendy buzz words!

Open source is everywhere including in the latest (or a little bit older) innovations! This tracks covers usage and development of open source in various domain from Cloud up to the most recent AI innovations.

Community & governance

This track covers community-oriented topics around collaboration, community building and community sustainability. It also includes presentations talking about open source governance and OSPOs : what are the best practices regarding compliance, code base management policies, developing an OSS culture, etc.?

Financing open source and commons

The *Financing of open source* is this year's main theme. Developer time is a valuable resource, and contributors to open source software might want to be paid for this work as part of their regular workday. What are the current solutions for innovators, start-ups or ISVs to finance their development? private or public financing? Are national and European public policies up to the challenges? This track includes testimonies and real-life feedback.

Open source in education, science & research

The open science movement is attracting a growing number of researchers in France and in Europe. Scientific publications, cooperation with industry, exploitation of results: what difference does it make for the OW2 ecosystem? How the open source approach is impacting scientific organizations' daily work?

Technologies: OW2 projects and beyond

This track is for small (and bigger) building blocks that are used to create the foundations of larger solutions, the tools that are used to put them together, protocols that allow communication and interoperability, etc. Talks proposals can come from the OW2 code base or from external submitters.


We love any proposal with a content worth sharing with the open source community even if it is outside the scope of OW2. Do not hesitate to submit yours it will be evaluated with an open mind!