

09:00 AM :
Opening & Registration
09:30 AM :
Welcome and Introduction, Gabriele Ruffatti, OW2 President & Cedric Thomas, OW2 CEO
09:45 AM :
Keynote : Anna Nietyksza, EESC (European Economic and Social Committee)
10:15 AM :
Keynote : Thierry Souche, Orange
OW2 Use Cases and Success Stories - Session Chair Cédric Thomas
11:15 AM :
Société du Canal de Provence Hybrid Cloud with OW2 ProActive, Brian Amedro, ActiveEon and Evelyne Vaissié & Fabrice Ernandes, Société du Canal de Provence (SCP)
11:30 AM :
Making Tough Open Core Product Decisions. Yves de Montcheuil, Talend
11:45 AM : when Open Data meet Cartography, Andrea Gioia, Engineering Group. (PDF)
12:00 PM :
Accelerating mission critical business processes with Bonita BPM 6. (PDF).
12:15 - 13:00 PM :
Panel: Benefits and challenges of integrating open source components
  • - Claudia Ayala, UPC
  • - Yacine Kheddache, Alyseo
  • - Serge Lacourte, ScalAgent
  • - Guillaume Rousseau, Antelink
12:45 - 02:00 PM :
Lunch Break (sponsored by Inria)
Project Spotlight - Session Chair Xiaolong Kong
02:00 PM :
CLIF meets Jenkins: performance testing in continuous integration, or more... Bruno Dillenseger, Orange Labs.
02:15 PM :
Next-gen Web technologies for next-gen business applications, Eric Descargues, DocDoku
02:30 PM :
OSGi @ OW2, Clément Escoffier, Grenoble University
02:45 PM :
CANCELLED: How to integrate Bonita BPM 6 into your Java developments and applications? Antoine Thomas, BonitaSoft

03:00 PM :
Emerginov - come back on the 1st year of the community, Morgan Richomme, Orange
03:15 PM :
LemonLDAP::NG - the New Generation WebSSO !, David Coutadeur, Linagora
03:30 PM :
Petals Integration Platform as a Service, Christophe Hamerling, Linagora
03:45 PM :
Self Service BI with SpagoBI 4, Virginie Pasquon, Engineering Group
Project Spotlight - Session Chair Xiaolong Kong
04:30 PM :
New OW2 Project presentation : Axelor Platform, Axelor ERP&CRM, Guillaume Garin, Axelor
04:45 PM :
Meet Nanoko: a Javascript SOA Platform and Build Process, Nicolas Rempulski, Ubidreams
05:00 PM :
OTLY - A framework for realtime collaboration, Fabio Mancinelli, XWiki
Data on Clouds - Session Chair tbc
05:15 PM :
How to maximize the value of Big Data with SpagoBI suite through a comprehensive approach, Monica Franceschini, Engineering Group, SpagoBI
05:30 PM :
Scalable ETL with Talend and Hadoop, Cédric Carbone, Talend
05:45 PM :
Altic's big analytics stack, Charly Clairmont, Altic


09:00 AM :
Keynote : Roberto Di Cosmo, Inria
09:30 AM :
Keynote : Gianugo Rabellino , Microsoft
10:00 AM :
Keynote : Shuo Yang, Huawei
10:30 AM :
OpenStack Video Address
10:35 - 11:15AM:
Panel: Hybrid Clouds: How to get the best of both worlds ?
  • - Nick Barcet, OpenStack
  • - Brian Amedro, ActiveEon
  • - John Bruyant, Sodexo
  • - Jean-Pierre Laisné, CompatibleOne
  • - Fayçal Boujemaa, Cloudwatt
Software Engineering and Quality - Session Chair Chirstophe Hamerling
11:45 AM:
ETICS supporting compliance and interoperability, Gabriele Giammatteo, Engineering Group
12:00 PM :
Antepedia Reporter and Fossology: Updates and new challenges toward software tracking throught the whole software life cycle, Guillaume Rousseau, Antelink
12:15 PM :
A living story: measuring quality of developments in a large industrial software factory with Spago4Q, Daniele Gagliardi, Engineering Group.
12:30 PM :
CANCELLED: A Methodology for Design of Scalable Architectures in Software Radio Networks: a Unified Device and Network Perspective, Maurizio Colizza, University of L'Aquila

12:45 PM :
Managing risks in OSS adoption: the RISCOSS approach, Xavier Franch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Open Source Cloud - Session Chair Daniel Stern
02:00 PM :
MySQL in the Cloud, Colin Charles, MariaDB
02:15 PM :
The Cloud Atlas, Sami Yanguy and Mohammed Mohanned, Telecom SudParis
02:30 PM :
Provisioning the Cloud within XLCloud, Sylvain Bauza, Bull
02:45 PM :
OCEAN - support for Open Cloud projects, Yuri Glikman, Fraunhofer FOKUS
03:00 PM :
How to Migrate Existing Software Stacks to Cloud and App Stores?, Alban Richard, UShareSoft
03:15 PM :
Navigating the NoSQL Landscape, Sun Seng David TAN, Serli
03:45 PM :
Compass: Yet Another Deployment System or An Networking Gear Company’s Embrace to OpenStack Community?, Shuo YANG, Huawei
04:00 PM :
Ow2stack, the OW2 Community Cloud Testbed, Xiaolong Kong, OW2
04:15 PM :
Opencloudware, a Paas management stack over multiple clouds, Daniel Stern, Orange
04:30 PM :
The french Nu@ge project approach to hybrid clouds, Pascal Gallard, NonStopSystem, Nu@ge project Leader
05:00 PM :
Wrap up and closure, Cédric Thomas