For a detailed presentation of each sessions including abstracts of presentations, please go to the program page.
November 12: Workshop Day
1) OSCi Convention - OSCi Conventions aims at working on cooperation opportunities between projects. This second convention will concentrate on the OpenCloudware and OCEAN collaborative projects. The OpenCloudware Annual Conference will take place during the convention. Public and free workshop, access with registration. 2) CHOReOS Workshop - Public and free workshop, access with registration more details about CHOReOS project\ 3) RISCOSS Convention - RISCOSS develops a risk management-based methodology and a platform to facilitate the adoption of open source code into mainstream products and services. During this first RISCOSS convention, Xavier Franch (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya) and Angelo Susi (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) will present the ongoing efforts on data models and planned algorithms. External members will contribute to deliver a clear picture on the impacts on corporate and industrial information systems. A first Proof of Concept of the RISCOSS platform will be demonstrated. Then, an open discussion with experts will highlight next collaboration opportunities. Public and free workshop, access with registration more details about RISCOSS project\November 13-14: Public Conference
1) Invited Keynote Speakers Keynote Presentations at OW2con'13 will gather both technology experts, top level executives, CIOs and institutional invited speakers.
- Anna Nietyksza, European Economic and Social Committee. See more\
- Thierry Souche, Orange. See more\
- Roberto Di Cosmo, Inria. See more\
- Gianugo Rabellino, Microsoft. See more\
- Shuo Yang, Huawei. See more\
2) OW2 Project Spotlight Technology presentations, including project demonstrations,latest news on OW2 flagship projects and new projects presentations.\ Program of Nov 13, 02:00 - 04:00pm, click here\ Program of Nov 13, 04:30 - 05:15pm, click here\
3) Data on Clouds - Detailed program here\ Big data is recognized today as a new IT trend. It requires exceptional technologies to efficiently process large quantities of data within tolerable elapsed times. Presentations in this track provide an overview of solutions proposed by OW2 technologies or external projects that help solve the problematic of large-scale data in the framework of cloud computing.
4) Open Source Cloud- Detailed program here Technical- and business-oriented presentations focusing on open source cloud computing, proposed by members participating in the OW2 Open Source Cloudware Initiative (OSCi) or external technology experts.
5) Quality in open source: the SQuAT Initiative (Software Quality Assurance and Trustworthiness) - Detailed program here\ The SQuAT (Software Quality Assurance and Trustworthiness) initiative has been launched in 2010 by OW2 in order to improve the perceived quality of the code which is downloaded from OW2. Presentations in this track will focus on the tools proposed to help projects produce reports on the quality of the code and/or first results and milestones of the SQuAT initiative. External participants and experts have been invited to speak in this session.
6) OW2 Use Cases and Success Stories - Detailed program here\ This session focuses on real world Use Cases of OW2 components and platforms:\
- Production use of OW2 projects by end-users;\
- Systems integrators solutions deployed with OW2 projects;\
- Integration of OW2 projects in commercial offerings.
7) Round Table 1: Hybrid Clouds: How to get the best of both worlds? - Abstract and speakers here
8) Round Table 2: Benefits and challenges of integrating open source components. - Abstract and speakers here