OW2con'17 Best Project Awards Contest Results

OW2 recognizes every year "best of breed" projects and successful implementations of OW2 technologies.

The OW2con Awards 2017 are open to all OW2 projects. This award is a unique opportunity for OW2 members to showcase their projects and to benefit from increased recognition within the OW2 community.

OW2 Best Project 2017 Award Contest Winners

The Jury selected the winners for each of the five awards as follows:

Community Award Innovation Award Market Award Quality Award Technology Council Special Price 
 Spoon  RocketChat  ProActive  SeedStack  GLPI 
The Spoon project from INRIA Lille receives the OW2con Best Project Community Award for its specific but dynamic community and for its use in other projects RocketChat wins the OW2con Best Project Innovation Award for integrating latest Machine Learning translation technology The ProActive project from ActiveEon wins the OW2con Best Project Market Award for High-Scale Financial Services and Azure Cloud Migration for Legal & General SeedStack receives the OW2con Best Project Quality Award for taking advantage of Domain-Driven Design to build Java micro-services and cloud-ready applications The Technology Special Prize goes to GLPI for its quality increase by using atoum and for turning GLPI into a tool for a SOC (Security Operations Center) 

See the dedicated OW2con'17 Best Project Awards Press Release
More photos about the OW2con'17