OW2con'21 Best Project Awards Contest Results
Every year OW2 recognizes "best of breed" projects in its code base and successful implementations of OW2 technologies.
The 2021 OW2con Best Project Awards are open to all OW2 projects. This award is a unique opportunity for OW2 members to showcase their projects and for users to identify he best of OW2 community.
OW2 Best Project 2021 Award Contest Winners
The Jury selected the winners for each of the three awards as follows:
Community Award | Market Award | Technology Award |
LDAP Tool Box | XWiki | Zenroom |
The 2021 OW2 Best Project Community Award goes to the LDAP Tool Box project. The knowledge and tools shared around LDAP directories progressively became very popular. For example, the Self Service Password application started in 2009 ; with more than 700 stars on github, it is now translated in 27 languages. | The 2021 OW2 Best Project Market Award goes to XWiki, an open source platform distributed internationally that goes head to head with solutions proposed by large financially-backed contenders. The product and services have been adopted all around the world with more than 150 custom projects being used on all the continents. | The 2021 OW2 Best Project Technology Award goes to Zenroom, a high tech product developed by a global community, using widely accepted industrial and governmental quality standards. Written in C and Lua with maintenability in mind, it will compile and work in 20 years from now. |
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