OW2con'21 Online Platform

We are reusing the platform that proved successful in 2020. Our technical solution has several crucial advantages:

  • it is as open source as possible,
  • it requires no client software installation,
  • it provides opportunities for interactions,
  • it is easy to deploy and to operate,
  • it is robust and fault tolerant.

The components of the solution we are working with include:

kdenlive_logo.jpgKdenlive for video editing,
Open_Broadcaster_Software_Logo.png OBS as a back-end for recording and streaming presentations to YouTube Live,
YouTube_logo.jpgYouTube for live broadcast and archive,
Logo_de_PeerTube.svgBittube for the archive,
Logo_Jitsi.svgJitsi as a meeting application,
rocketchat_logo.webpRocket.Chat as a browser-based integrated front-end displaying presentations and chats,
pretalx-logo.pngPretalx to manage the program,
xwiki_logo.pngXWiki for the conference web site.

For more details and recommendations, check out OW2 CTO Antoine Mottier's blog