OW2con Live Session Participant Guide
As a participant in one the OW2con'21 live sessions you will need those guidelines.
These guidelines concern participants to:
- the governance roundtable,
- the award ceremony.
- Participants: those who speak, they are "on stage" in a Jitsi meeting,
- Attendees: those who watch the broadcast feed on the conference interface,
- Interface: the Rocket.Chat platform showing conference presentations and chat rooms.
- For all active participants the live session is just like having a Jitsi video-meeting
- Bookmark the Jitsi links
- There will be a gap of some 20 seconds between the moment you speak and the moment this appears on the attendees video window
- You must register at https://rocketchat.ow2con.org/ to access the interface which will show you the conference video broadcast and chat rooms.
Technical setting
- DO NOT WATCH THE CONFERENCE VIDEO FEED when it's time for your live session because it's not synchronised (±20 seconds gap with what's happening in our discussion! it's very, very confusing, believe me!)
- Close the video panel: the one on the right, click the X in top right corner (see screenshot 1), you will end up with the interface showing you two columns
- Select the appropriate chat room (aka discussion) from the list in the left column
- Good Governance Round Table
- Award Ceremony and Closing
- Hint: resize width so you can have side by side the Jitsi window and the Rocket.Chat window on your screen (see screenshot 2 showing Rocket.Chat reduced to just the on-going discussion, on the left and the live on-going Jitsi session), note as you make the Rocket.Chat window more and more narrow the column listing all the rooms will eventually automatically disappear leaving all the available space to the chat, it will automatically re-appear with the reverse move.
When going live
- Connect to the Jitsi link 30 minutes before session time, we will test connections and go over details and questions you may have.
- Turn your camera on
- round table participants: at all time
- award ceremony participants: only from the moment your name is called, and then you keep it on
- Mute your mic when not speaking (but do not forget to unmute when necessary)
- Do not watch the last presentation before your session
- Attendees can chat in real time with participants.
- That's why it's a good idea to have the conference interface open on the appropriate chat room
- The moderator will have an eye of the chat room and will forward any relevant question.
Screenshot 1: how to close the video pane (see the X at the top right?)
Screenshot 2: resized Rocket.Chat, left, and Jitsi, right, side by side