OW2con'24 Open Debate
New this year : we will end the conference with an open debate, giving everyone a voice, and promising passionate exchanges. All participants (attendees, speakers, exhibitors) were invited to vote for their favorite topic. See below for more detailed about the vote. The discussion will be guided by a moderator.
Schedule: Wednesday June 12 at 15:50pm.
Venue: main auditorium
Moderator: Tobbie Langel
Give your insights:
Please scan the QRcode above or go to the page: https://l.ow2.org/OW2con24Debate.
This quick survey is made available to all participants inviting everyone to provide a quick insights of the views he/she would like to put forward, in a constructive way of course!
Open Source Funding
Developer time is a valuable resource, and contributors to open source software might want to be paid for this work as part of their regular workday. What are the current solutions for individuals, innovators, start-ups or Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to finance their development? Above the topic of the diversity of the founding models, we would like to explore further the impact of such choices and recent trends, including key words listed below.
- Diversity of income sources,
- Contributors remuneration,
- Impact of the funding on quality and sustainability,
- Public or private financing,
- Funding and sovereignty,
- Donation as a long-term model,
- Private incubators or accelerators
A few examples of questions which could be raised:
- What are the advantages / disadvantages of public or private financing? Is public investment a guaranty of sovereignty?
- The diversity of income for open source players: how to find new sources of financing? (new business models, new markets, partnerships, grants and funded projects, etc.)
- What is the impact of the funding model on the project sustainability, security, quality, etc?
- Can a project rely on donation on the long run?
- For a company developing an open source project is having only a single, fully open source version, of the software and selling support, training and customization still a viable approach?
- What to think about new models such as private incubators or accelerators (for example the ones who pay the creators)
The vote was available through Linkedin and gave a majority of votes for "Open Source Funding" (50%), followed by "the role of Open Source foundations" (32%), and "Open Source and CRA" (18%).
Topic 1: Open Source Funding
Developer time is a valuable resource, and contributors to open source software might want to be paid for this work as part of their regular workday. What are the current solutions for individuals, innovators, start-ups or Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to finance their development?
Topic 2: Open Source and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility, "RSE" in French)
Deploying open source software can benefit to CSR objectives. Open source integration can have an impact beyond the IT departments and disseminate its human values of collaboration, accessibility, good practices and energy efficiency throughout all departments of a given company. How to align open source strategy with user’s CSR commitments?
Topic 3: The role of Open Source Foundations and the place of OW2 in the European Ecosystem
Rethinking together OW2's raison d'être and core services. With a growing number of services, such as GitHub, GitLab, etc. available as freemium offers, what should the foundations be offering to their members? What role foundations can play?