Sponsors 2020
Platinum Sponsors
Orange is one of the world's leading telecommunications operators. The Group is the number three mobile operator and the number one provider of broadband internet services in Europe and, under the brand Orange Business Services, is one of the world leaders in providing telecommunication services to multinational companies. The Group has been actively involved for more than 10 years in Open Source communities through the ObjectWeb and OW2 Consortiums and is today Strategic Member of OW2. A large level of contribution to open source software is continuously provided by Orange, often from Orange Labs R&D.
Gold Sponsors
Software Heritage aims to collect, organise, preserve, and make easily accessible any already publicly available source code. By building a universal and sustainable software archive, the goal of Software Heritage is to create an essential infrastructure for society, science and industry.
Silver Sponsors
The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of developers and over 300 member organizations with a business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation. The Foundation is home to the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE, and over 375 projects, including runtimes, tools, and frameworks for cloud and edge applications, IoT, AI, automotive, and more.
Engineering Group is the Italian leader in Digital Transformation, with over 50 offices in Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Republic of Serbia, Latin America (Brazil and Argentina) and the United States. With more than 10,300 employees, the Group manages IT initiatives in over 20 countries worldwide with projects in all vertical markets. Its Technical, Research and Innovation Department, relying on 250 resources, includes the Open Source, Big Data & Analytics Competency Centers, which manage the free/open source SpagoWorld initiative including three main projects: SpagoBI, Spagic and Spago4Q. Engineering Group is also provider of the Knowage suite for modern business analytics over traditional sources and big data systems.
FundingBox provides access to funding opportunities, knowledge, and connections through specialised communities that are related to specific tech initiatives: Smart Mobility, Robotics, Decentralised Technologies, Circular Economy, Next Generation Internet, Industry 4.0, etc.
Communities are accessible within an open-culture platform thanks to which stakeholders from startups, SMEs, Research & Technology Centres and a variety of other organisations meet, interact, and collaborate.
In this way, these 26,000 makers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and experts can build meaningful connections and access public equity-free and private funding that can together boost their growth.
Bronze Sponsors
BlueMind delivers a unified enterprise messaging and communications solution, and is the first european Open Source alternative to Exchange, O365 or Google App.
Thousands of Microsoft engineers use, contribute to and release open source every day across every platform, from the cloud to client operating systems, programming languages and more. Microsoft’s open source repositories live on GitHub which the company acquired in 2018 and of which it is among the site’s most active contributors.
Research Projects
DECODER stands for DEveloper COmpanion for Documented and annotatEd code Reference. The project participants develop an open source Integrated Development Environment dedicated to improve the efficiency of software development and maintenance and the quality of software in medium criticality systems, such as in IoT, cloud computing and HPC.
FASTEN stands for Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks. Tthe project will introduce a service that tracks dependencies at the method call-graph level and performs sophisticated analyses of security vulnerability propagation, licensing compliance and dependency risk profiles.
ReachOut is an H2020 Coordination and Support Action (CSA), aiming at helping research projects or European SMEs to develop connections with their markets and potential end users. ReachOut provides a platform and methodology to help projects create and implement their first beta-testing campaigns, collect user feedback and develop their ecosystem. ReachOut will run from January 2019 to December 2021.
Community Partners
Systematic Paris-Region, a global competitiveness cluster, federates and leads an ecosystem of excellence with 900 members, focused on Deep Tech (Data Science & AI, Cyber & Security, Digital Infrastructure and IoT, Digital Engineering, Optics & Photonics, Free & Open Source Software). Systematic thus addresses 3 major economic and societal challenges: the digital transformation of territories, industry and services as well as that of society. The cluster accelerates digital projects via collaborative innovation, SME development, networking and business sourcing in the sectors of the future: energy, telecommunications, health, transport, information systems, factory of the future, digital cities, and digital security. The cluster is also responsible for promoting its actors, its region and its innovation projects in order to increase its visibility and develop the Paris Region's attractiveness. Systematic's activities are supported, in particular, by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF),French State Agencies (DGE, DGA, Agence Innovation Defense) and ParisRegion.
Founded in 2002, the ADULLACT association's objectives are to support and coordinate the actions of local and regional authorities in order to promote, develop and maintain a heritage of free software dedicated to public service missions. ADULLACT is an initiative created from the need to have an alternative to closed-source software, particularly in the field of business software. By setting up free software projects that meet the specific needs of its members and by coordinating territorial skills, ADULLACT aims to give concrete meaning to the idea of pooling resources. With a simple conviction and principle : public money only has to pay once !
The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFScon, is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software. SFScon promotes the use of Free Software in digital infrastructures as a tool to achieve greater innovation and competitiveness in the region. Here decision-makers and developers meet, learn and get inspired.
OpenExpo Europe has been one of the disclosure windows in Technological Innovation, Digital Transformation and Open Source for 7 years.
This year OpenExpo Europe is moving to OpenExpo Virtual Experience, from June 17th to 21st.
This initiative arises after the enormous success of our online activities within Innovation, Digital Transformation and Open Source, in which topics such as have been discussed Cybersecurity, Blockchain, IA, Virtual Reality, IoT, Big Data, etc. Enjoy more than 50 activities and network with technology and innovation professionals, with the aim of promoting the ecosystem and generating networking.