OW2con'23 Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions Program
Thursday June 15
14:00 - 15:20
room: MARCH
14:00 - 16:40
What is it about?
Breakout Sessions are a new kind of parallel workshops for small groups recently introduced in OW2 annual conferences outside the main stage.
From informal open exchange and experience sharing to demos and hand-on workshops, those sessions bring a new dimension to OW2con.
Please read the details below and contact us if you have an idea of topic. We are able to run a maximim of 6 Breakout Sessions in total at OW2con'23.
Breakout Sessions are meant to be informal technological discussions giving a large place to open exchange, demos and hands-on, experience sharing, questions and answers, etc. It should be community oriented, and avoid product presentations and a series of presentation of slides. The content has to be defined by the session coordinator, in coordination with other organizers or speakers.
What OW2 provides
- the conference room and basic resources (video-projector, internet access, electrical material, etc.),
- a web page dedicated to the presentation of your session on the conference web site,
- listing the session on the registration page so participants can choose your session when they register (assuming that we receive the details around your session on-time),
- a newsletter dedicated to OW2con‘23 breakout sessions that will be sent out in May.
Important Note to session organizers: Please note this will not be enough to fill up the room. You have to set up your own communication plan, invite your contacts and promote the session through your network and communication channels. Please integrate the #ow2con in your tweets, we will re-tweet it.
What you need to provide us
Any relevant information to complete the web page dedicated to your session such as an abstract of the session and a detailed agenda.