Sponsors 2019

Gold Sponsors



Orange is one of the world's leading telecommunications operators. The Group is the number three mobile operator and the number one provider of broadband internet services in Europe and, under the brand Orange Business Services, is one of the world leaders in providing telecommunication services to multinational companies. The Group has been actively involved for more than 10 years in Open Source communities and is today Strategic Member of OW2. A large level of contribution to open source software is continuously provided by Orange, often from Orange Labs R&D.


7Bulls is a private Polish software developing company. It provides services in the area of implementation and integration of IT services and creates comprehensive IT solutions. Its software is used throughout the entire world. 7bulls.com works for companies from North and South America, Asia, Western Europe and Poland.

7bulls.com delivers new, advanced technologies for large organizations, including financial, publishing, automotive, and pharmaceutical companies, the alcoholic beverage industry, as well as media corporations and sales chains.

Silver Sponsors



Engineering Group is the Italian leader in Digital Transformation, with over 50 offices in Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Republic of Serbia, Latin America (Brazil and Argentina) and the United States. With more than 10,300 employees, the Group manages IT initiatives in over 20 countries worldwide with projects in all vertical markets. Its Technical, Research and Innovation Department, relying on 250 resources, includes the Open Source, Big Data & Analytics Competency Centers, which manage the free/open source SpagoWorld initiative including three main projects: SpagoBI, Spagic and Spago4Q. Engineering Group is also provider of the Knowage suite for modern business analytics over traditional sources and big data systems.


The people we all rely on to make the world go round – they rely on Thales.
In a world that is increasingly fast moving, unpredictable – and full of opportunities, they come to us with big ambitions: to make life better, to keep us safer.
Combining a unique diversity of expertise, talents and cultures, our architects design and deliver extraordinary high technology solutions.  Solutions that make tomorrow possible, today.
From the bottom of the oceans to the depths of space and cyberspace, we help our customers think smarter and act faster - mastering ever greater complexity and every decisive moment along the way.

Bronze Sponsors



AEGIS is an EC H2020 Innovation Action, aiming at creating an interlinked “Public Safety and Personal Security” Data Value Chain, and at delivering a novel platform for big data curation, integration, analysis and intelligence sharing. AEGIS will help EU companies to adopt a more data-driven mentality, extending and/or modifying their individual data solutions and offering more advanced data services (e.g. data cleansing, data integration, semantic data linking) while at the same time attaching value to their datasets and introducing novel business models for the data sharing economy.


The City of Paris is the administration, municipal and departmental representatives of Paris. They brings together skills and profiles of various origins: civil servants of the city or the state, contractual ones coming from private or academic, associations, Arts and sports. City of Paris is leader of the Lutece OW2 project, a free and powerful Java based Content Management Framework.


BlueMind delivers a unified enterprise messaging and communications solution, and is the first european Open Source alternative to Exchange, O365 or Google App.


Inria, the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics, promotes “scientific excellence for technology transfer and society”. Graduates from the world’s top universities, Inria's 2,700 employees rise to the challenges of digital sciences. With this open, agile model, Inria is able to explore original approaches with its partners in industry and academia and provide an efficient response to the multidisciplinary and application challenges of the digital transformation. Inria transfers expertise and research results to companies (startups, SMEs and major groups) in fields as diverse as healthcare, transport, energy, communications, security and privacy protection, smart cities and the factory of the future.

After a few years working with free and open source companies and facing the "growing pressure" of our customers, we decided to create a company whose positioning would be focused on technical expertise. Indeed, many players have made their job integration of open source solutions, but they are, quite rarely, to offer exclusively a high level of expertise. It is in order to fill, in part (we do not pretend to be unique), this gap that we decided to create Worteks. Worteks' objective is to bring together and put at the disposal of its clients high-level skills in this sector, which is essential for information and communication technologies.

Research Projects


CROSSMINER enables the monitoring, in-depth analysis and evidence-based selection of open source components, and facilitates knowledge extraction from large open-source software repositories.

DECODER stands for DEveloper COmpanion for Documented and annotatEd code Reference. The project participants develop an open source Integrated Development Environment dedicated to improve the efficiency of software development and maintenance and the quality of software in medium criticality systems, such as in IoT, cloud computing and HPC.

FASTEN stands for Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks. Tthe project will introduce a service that tracks dependencies at the method call-graph level and performs sophisticated analyses of security vulnerability propagation, licensing compliance and dependency risk profiles.

MELODIC is a European Union sponsored project to develop a multi-cloud management platform with the same name. The MELODIC platform will enable data-intensive applications to run within defined security, cost, and performance boundaries seamlessly on geographically distributed and federated cloud infrastructures.

STAMP)stands for Software Testing AMPlification. Leveraging advanced research in automatic test generation, STAMP aims at pushing automation in DevOps one step further through innovative methods of test amplification.

ReachOut is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) helping H2020 projects in the area of software technologies to implement beta-testing campaigns. ReachOut helps research projects implements best practices with beta testing methodologies and to recruit beta-testers.

Community Partners



Systematic Paris-Region, a global competitiveness cluster, federates and leads an ecosystem of excellence with 900 members, focused on Deep Tech (Data Science & AI, Cyber & Security, Digital Infrastructure and IoT, Digital Engineering, Optics & Photonics, Free & Open Source Software). Systematic thus addresses 3 major economic and societal challenges: the digital transformation of territories, industry and services as well as that of society. The cluster accelerates digital projects via collaborative innovation, SME development, networking and business sourcing in the sectors of the future: energy, telecommunications, health, transport, information  systems,  factory  of  the  future,  digital  cities,  and  digital  security.  The  cluster  is  also  responsible  for  promoting  its actors, its region and its innovation projects in order to increase its visibility and develop the Paris Region's attractiveness. Systematic's activities are supported, in particular, by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF),French State Agencies (DGE, DGA, Agence Innovation Defense) and ParisRegion.

Media Partners


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